Of Counsel
Studies :
Universiteit Gent 1984, VUB 1988, ULB 1991
Advocaat sinds :
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Pascal has extensive experience in all areas of tax law, including both transactional work and litigation, with particular emphasis on tax structuring and international tax planning. Pascal is a member of the International Fiscal Association and the Tax Section of the American Bar Association. He has spoken and published on selected topics of tax law. Key-publications include Abuse of Law in Tax Matters (in Dutch, 2008), Business Operations in Belgium (Bloomberg BNA, co-authored with Jacques Malherbe), and Business Operations in the European Union - Taxation (Bloomberg BNA). He is member of the European Tax Strategies Consultance committee. Mr. Faes represents Belgium as a permanent member of the Bloomberg BNA Tax Management International Forum and is a frequent contributor to the Forum’s EU perspective notes. He has also contributed the EU Chapter to Bloomberg BNA’s VAT Monitor. Pascal received his law degree from the University of Ghent (UG) in 1984, a special degree in business economics from the University of Brussels (VUB, 1988) and a master degree in tax management from the University of Brussels (ULB, 1991). He was admitted to the Brussels bar in 1984 and and used to be tax partner at reputed law firms in Brussels.
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